Become a Board of Ambassador (BoA) for CPA Ontario!
DEADLINE TO APPLY: Tuesday, January 31st at 11:59pm

The Board of Ambassadors (BoA) is a "Student Council" of Ontario university and college representatives who act as an advisory and advocacy group for the CPA profession. The BoA is comprised of full-time post-secondary students from campuses across Ontario.
Selection Criteria To be considered for the BoA position all student applicants must:
Be pursing their CPA designation or ACAF
Be a full time university or college student
Maintain a minimum 70% average
All candidates must complete the following items: 1) The following Google form that consists of a candidate's eligibility: 2) One PDF document that includes the below forms for each applicant sent to
a. Current resumé
b. Letter of reference written by university or college faculty or staff, a previous/current employer or other individual who acted in a supervisory, mentorship or managerial role to their position (a fellow student reference will not be accepted) ***MANDATORY***
c. A one-page essay summarizing why you are interested in the position and qualifications that support you for this role.
***If you need more time to get your letter of reference, please contact You must still submit the rest of your application by Tuesday, January 31st, however, you may be able to get more time only for the letter of reference.***
IMPORTANT: Please e-mail your application ***as ONE PDF document*** to by Tuesday, January 31st at 11:59PM.
For FULL details on the selection process, please click on the button below.
Interviews and final selection of all candidates is at the discretion of CPA Ontario. Click the button below to apply. Good luck!
Kind Regards,
Atkinson Professional Accounting Association Executive Council, 2016 - 2017